Sunday, September 2, 2007

It's official!

I am pleased and proud to announce that I am officially a nonsmoker. Can you even believe it?!?

My daughter was in a soccer tournament this weekend. It was very exciting and stressful as a parent. Her team won her division. I had not one single urge to smoke or thought about smoking.

Then, we were invited to two parties. One was a soccer team celebration and the other was a photo road rally. We did the road rally with a brief stop at the soccer party. I figured that at some point I was going to have to break down and have a drink and just see what happened. So, after winning the road rally (yeah us!) I celebrated with a martini or four or maybe six. Guess what? Not even one single urge to smoke.

I rock. And, Chantix rocks. Seriously. I want to track down the geeky lab coat guy who invented this stuff and plant a big fat wet one on his lips.

I have tried in the past to quit smoking and failed miserably.

I feel like I have actually beat this thing and I can't wait to see what the rest of my life has in store for me! :)


maggie said...

How awesome! I think it's great that you are getting on with living and not even wanting to smoke. I'd still stay aware going into drinking situations (only because of my own past experience), but being able to go anyway is great!

KatieLauren said...

I ran across your blog while searching information and about chantax, and I had to stop and give you a few thumbs up after reading your good news! I myself and only 3 days smoke free and ready to rip out my hair!!!

Nice Job,

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

I'm ready to make out with that guy too! I also quit with Chantix and have a blog about it - want to exchange links? You can find me here at . I'll add you now.
