Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Isn't Life Funny?

So, I set up this Blog to keep me busy and our cable internet immediately goes out. No TV, no phone service and no internet connection. It's like they chopped me off at the knees! It was blazing hot yesterday, so we invited a whole bunch of people over to swim all afternoon. That kept me busy and kept my mind off of smoking. I did smoke a few more than my goal, but still way less than I was smoking...so it's all good!

I made french toast for breakfast this morning before taking my pill. Oh, and that worry I had about weighing 200 pounds from all of the extra breakfast foods? It shouldn't be an issue, 'cause so far the only side effect I've had from the pills is the runs. Fun!

Chantix hasn't made me feel strange at all, but it also hasn't really made me not want to smoke. I hope that as the dose goes up the desire to smoke goes down.

I'm just taking things hour-by-hour! :)

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