Thursday, August 9, 2007


I just ripped my daughters head off because she was blowing a whistle. Over and over again. It was like fingernails on a blackboard and it was annoying me to the very core of my being. I asked her to stop, but I guess she couldn't hear me over all of that really loud whistle blowing.

I feel bad.

I believe this would fall under the "edgy and irritable" category. Especially since she has had to put up with my singing for the past two days.

Breathe in...hold...release. Repeat. Repeat again. Keep repeating.

This is going to get easier, right?

I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...


maggie said...

Yes, this is going to get easier :) Just hang in there, maybe treat everyone to a little ice cream or something else that sounds good as a treat all around. Maybe even an extra hug because everyone can use an extra one of those when quitting smoking or being around someone quitting smoking ;)

Bay in TN said...

Gooooooo, Ex-smoker mom!!!! You're doing *so* well! I know you're irritable, but darn it, your lungs are *less* irritated. That's something to celebrate!!!