Saturday, August 25, 2007

On The Side

I just wanted to do a quick update on my side effects from Chantix:

Nausea - Is under control. I have my diet down pat and on the few occasions now where I'm feeling a little off after I take the pill I just grab a quick snack and it goes away. It's funny, because eating is the last thing I feel like doing when I'm nauseous, but it works!

Constipation - Is an on going battle. I used to be a cool hip smoker who did shots of tequila and laughed in the face of cancer. Now, I'm a Chantix addicted old lady non-smoker who does shots of Metamucil fiber therapy to stay regular. I need to get my groove back!

Nightmares - Have gone away, at least for now. In my very unscientific study, I noticed that when I stopped taking the anti-anxiety pills (after our trip to Tennessee) the nightmares stopped. Now, I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I'm thinking the nightmares weren't from the Chantix. I still have the "vivid dreams" and frequently wake up during the night to go potty (damn all that healthy water I'm drinking), but I am actually getting some sleep.

Are the side effects worth it? You bet your bippy! :)

1 comment:

maggie said...

Great post, and I appreciate your humor ;). Glad to hear the nausea is under control, too. Mine came and went and returned, but it was worth it, more than worth it, to be smoke-free.