Monday, August 27, 2007


I'm not having a good day.

I'm pretty stressed out.

It's over something stupid.

Something I can't control.

So I want to smoke.

I know it won't make it better,

but I still want to smoke.

Being a parent isn't fun sometimes.

I hate stress.

But, I hate smoking even more.

I won't smoke.

But, I really, really want to right now.


Bay in TN said...

You are doing *so* well. I know you want to smoke. I understand and empathize completely. But you've done so fabulously so far. I hope you make it through this crisis and sail onward without a cigarette toward non-smokingness!

(I just make up that word for you. I hope you like it.)


Stress sucks. Smoking to deal with stress doesn't actually get rid of the stress. It just makes you smell stinky *and* stressed out.

I know you can make it!!! I'm rooting for you!

maggie said...

Just hang in there. There are times like this, but when you stick it out and hang onto how far you've come, it will be well worth it and you will be stronger. I totally understand stress and having moments when I would love to be able to get a way with smoking, but I'm so glad I haven't. You can do this!