Wednesday, August 8, 2007

There's Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

Or, something like that! I can't remember the exact saying, but it's true!

I smoked my last cigarette last night at 11 pm. I kept two for this morning, just in case I needed them when I got up.

Ya know what?

I didn't need them! I think I'm going to flush them away and say "Na-na-na-na-na-na"!

I made it through my whole morning routine without a puff. I took deep breaths and, strangely enough, sang a lot and loudly. I can't sing, so this could be the next annoying habit that I need to break. My daughter kept looking at me strangely, like I gave up cigarettes for crack for something.

Has it been easy? No, but it certainly hasn't been hard, either. I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't going to be bumps in the road, but for right now I'm in a pretty good mental place and I'm feeling fine.

11 hours smoke free. Who'd of thunk?

I'm keeping busy today, but I'll pop in with updates. First stop is the car wash for a complete scrub down inside and out. Imagine, a stink free car!

Keep the happy thoughts coming my way! :)


maggie said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! You can totally do this. I don't recommend this as a good idea for everyone and probably a bad idea for most, but I also didn't throw away the remainder of my last pack, partly because I didn't know that when I woke up it would be my quit day (still had time left). Just knowing each day that it was my choice helped me somehow. Again, I wouldn't ever suggest it to someone, but I totally understand.

Anyway, congrats to you! Water, breathing and just keep going!

Bay in TN said...

Yay, you!!!! Singing loudly can be used as a substitute? Oh, my kids are gonna *die* of embarrassment! ;) Keep up the good work; I'm so happy for you!!